In English/Life is Gold

Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven

주권회복 2012. 9. 13. 16:54

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." (Matthew 16:19)

"I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.(Matthew 18:18)



If an author mentioned the same idea more than twice, it might mean that idea is very important to him. Jesus addressed two times this idea in the Gospel of Matthew. We can think about morals and the kingdom of Heaven through the passages. He put ideas, front and rear, his death (sacrifice), humbleness, value of a lost sheep, forgiveness. Even I tell you only subject matter first; you can know what He told his disciples.


I imagined the life after dead before I convert to Christianity. I thought if I had to bring all memories of my sins to the next life, it would be terrible to me. But if I must not bring the results of my sins I committed, I would be happier surely.


In 1996, I became a Christian through the dogma. They told me, “If you confess your sins, God will save you without payment”. I received their suggestion for my unknown future as insurance. And then I tried to be a good Christian in my church and in some Christian groups. I could be praised from being charged representative of youth fellowship without knowledge of the bible.


I love getting praised from church members so I sacrificed myself to serve them more. However, unfortunately I became boastful with too much praise. After few years, I could realize how I believe God. Since I confessed my sins to get salvation, I had stopped to confess them to my neighbors, parents and friends. That’s the problem why I’m getting bad. I wanted to find the answer in the bible. I opened and started read the bible until I find the answer. And, one day, I found that. Matthew 16:19, 18:18. Theses passages made me weird! I was terrified after reading it. Jesus has talked to us about the rule of Heaven. Accordance with his mention, we will bring all thing we did in our life. Whoa! What the hell! That sounds fearful.


Now, I know why Jesus warned us like, “Repent! The kingdom of God has come.” Do not sin anymore for your eternal life. If we continue to sin against our brothers, they’ll remember forever what we did. Go to brothers and sisters and confess your sins to receive their forgiveness. Try to beg to get it. Before you go there, you should make here heavenly first. Thank God for letting us know it before we go there.